The OPA182, OPA2182, and OPA4182 (OPAx182) are ultra-low noise, fast-settling, zero-drift, highprecision operational amplifiers, These devices provide rail-to-rail output operation and feature a unique MUX-friendly architecture and controlled startup system. These devices also feature excellent ac performance combined with only 0.45 µV of offset voltage and 0.003 µV/°C of drift over temperature. All these features make the OPAx182 a great choice for data acquisition, battery test, analog input modules, weigh scales, and any other systems requiring high dc precision and low noise. The MUX-friendly input architecture prevents inrush current when applying large input differential voltages and improves settling performance in multichannel systems. Moreover, the controlled start-up system rejects any inrush current when ramping up the supply rails, all while providing robust ESD protection during shipment, handling, and assembly. The device is specified from –40°C to +125°C.
Categories: E-Components