The LPC553x is an ARM Cortex-M33 based microcontroller for embedded applications. These devices include up to 256 KB on-chip flash, up to 128 KB of on-chip SRAM, FlexSPI with cache, USB Full-Speed device with crystal-less operation, USB Full-Speed Host, CAN FD, five general-purpose timers, one SCTimer/PWM, one RTC/alarm timer, one 24-bit Multi-Rate Timer (MRT), a Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT), Code Watchdog Timer, one OS Timer, one Micro-tick timer, eight flexible serial communication peripherals (Flexcomm Interfaces - which can be configured as a USART, SPI, high speed SPI, I2C, or I2S interface), one DMIC, one I3C interface, four 16-bit 2.0 Msamples/sec (four 12-bit 3.2 Msamples/sec) ADC capable of four simultaneous conversions, four comparators, two temperature sensors, three 12-bit 1 Msample/sec DAC, 3 OpAmps, two FlexPWM timers, and two QEIs.
Categories: E-Components